For those who are just starting out, considering a career in auto detailing, or who simply want to properly maintain their personal vehicles. This course will start from step 1 and outline everything from how to prepare your vehicle for service to delivering the finished product back to your customers. Washing, drying, when and how to apply polishes, waxes, glazes and sealants, and knowing the difference in these product types. It's basic detailing from A-Z.
Learn the professional skills needed to apply polish, wax and sealant with buffing machines. Receive instruction on the various levels of compounds and how to properly correct damaged paint areas. Hands on training that will provide instruction and knowledge of terminology and equipment used in swirl or scratch removal on any type of paint finish.
Learn how to refine deep scratches and blemishes to restore clarity and smoothness to paint surfaces. Know when to repair and when to refer as it relates to surface damaged vehicles. Students will gain an understanding of the "grit" scale and how it effects the result of the paint finish. Students will refer back to paint correction techniques in order to buff and complete correction process for final customer presentation.
This is a NON-CERTIFICATION course in basic application of ceramic coatings. Led by a certified Ceramic Coating Specialist, students will learn the various levels of coatings and how they effect the longevity and protection of the vehicle. Students will apply coatings by various manufacturers in order to obtain skills in proper techniques and trouble shooting during application.